It starts when we need to let go of mum and dad and make our first steps into this brave new world. When we experience freedom in line with heights of stairs and fences around where we walk.later on we loose our first doll or truck and again we need to say goodbye to things we cherish the most. It might be moving away from grandparents or just waving farewell to our best friends who change houses that create lost in our heart and we don't quite know what to do with it. We then change freinds when we go to school and high school and university and change jobs. In between we have to let go of old lovers and friends and create space for new people. We go abroad for a while and first we let go of home town and all of a suddon it's letting go of our own country. Not to mention all the material things we let go in between: our favourite pair of jeans or sunglasses, old haircut which we decide to change for new one, first car is always a mileston on its own!
Then we have our wishes and emotions...for which I believe we shouldnt let go, at least not wishes. Emotions are here as the ocean...they move with us, sometimes they cause big long heavy waves and sometimes they splash in our heart. There are also moments of stillness, peace and quiet, well at least in my life they are pretty rare, but they do happen. Interestengly enough we normally let go of positive emotions much easier than sad ones...why cling to the bad, when we should hold on the good ones?
You see now, that every day we need to let go of ourselves when we fall a sleep...we let go of reality and surrender to our subconsiousness in which we yet again dream of having and letting things go. So why is it after all this time so difficult to let go? To leave life heading its own way, when we know, that in the end, we can't really do much against Faith and God's plans. Why don't we trust the course of events and let go of our constant planning and prejudice? And I am sure we all know the feeling when we courageously let go - it has a special name too, it's called freedom (!) and only our ego plays stupid games with our mind and wants us to stay still in our cave and not move or change or try something new!
A quote which always pops up in my mind when thinking about letting go is: Sometimes you just gotta trust, have faith, breath and let go and see what happens!
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