23 January 2016

Loving yourself

My first blog in 2016!
I missed wiritng, yet in the past month it feels to me like earthquakes have been shaking my inside every single day. But this was not a bad shake, this was a shake which actually casused building inside me. Strong, solid foundations which are here to stay for good. And I needed this time to discover what is there different inside me. And slowly im seeing it. And I'm really happy about it. Im sure a moment will come when i'll share this with you, but for now it's my baby and I need to keep is safe.

I think it's no coincidence that my first blog in 2016 is about love. About love which in my opinion needs to be with us 24/7, come first and should never go anywhere. Love which is given to us when we are born and which we loose when growing up. Love which is the hardest to get and easiest to loose. Love which demans your dedication every day for the rest of your life. Without it we're nothing, with it, we can do anything in the world. This very special type of love is called "Loving yourself".

Today I'm writing this blog having in mind two very special souls in my life, two who stick to me no matter what, so this blog is dedicated to you. Because Im in pain looking how you torture yourself sometimes, because you need to love yourself more! Its because I cant always be next to you to tell you this, and maybe you'll save these lines to your phone and read it when you need to - and you surely do know when this moment comes. But since I have noticed that loving ourselves is something we are all afraid to do, even though we need it the most and since you are not alone in this, I decided to share my next words with the world.

The big question today is, how to love yourself? What does loving yourself mean? Why are you so hard on yourself?

Loving yourself is something which today's society, especially where I live, hates, prevents and denies. It's because loving yourself means, that one thinks and feels with his or her own head and heart. It means you don't follow the crowd and you dare to stand up to yourself. It means that you are not afraid to say NO to all the things and people you dont feel right about. It means you  dare to follow your dreams. It means that sometimes, even if its difficult as hell, you say goodbye and move on, cause you know you came to a point, when you're empty and have nothing more to give, despite the fact you still love somebody. Or at least you think this is love....It means you admit to yourself your flaws and stop looking for excuses in life. It means you accept yourself for who you are, the whole package, each and every inch of your body and soul. It means you finally change that job you hate, sign up for sawing class, pack your bag and go. It means that you buy yourself a bouquet of flowers just beaucse you feel so. It means you to go to the cinema by yourself or stay in your PJs whole day and read that soap-opera book you dont have the courage to admit you actually like. It means you refuse other to treat you like self-evident, because you're not!!! You're special and unique and deserve other to treat you, like you treat them. If you give, you deserve to get. If you love, you deserve to be loved!!! My dear readers, this doesnt mean you're egoistic or egocentric, it just means you love yourself and you are setting healthy boundaries in your life. Boundaries which in long-run will protect you of loosing yourself and trust me on this one, loosing yourself is one of the most difficult things in life.

So all I want to really say is, start loving yourself. Take yourself out on a date. Be in a relationship with yourself first and then deep into a one with who you feel right about. Do every day one thing to and with yourself, for which you wish somebody else would do it. But first, get rid of all unhealthy relationships around you - we had this lesson already: you need to make room for new people and events to come into your life.

Dare to scream to the world I LOVE MYSELF FIRST!