10 May 2015

Is it all destiny or do we create life with the power of will?

Do you ever have a feeling, like you life is already written down and you're just an actor in this foolish game? Like somebody or someone would move you like playing chess? Sometimes you jump three spaces, then you move backwards, you sacrifise something......and it's chess-mat when you die? Coincidences (if you believe in them) make you meet people, who just by looking at your birth chart, are able to tell you almost by a minute precise, what happened to you and more or less also why. And then you ask yourself, why even bother! Every moment worrying or being scared is wasted and God knows how it's going to move us anyway and there's nothing you can do about.

But then again you have to make thousands and thousands of decisions in life, meaning you can be or even better said are the captain of your life. For example you take a decision, on what you want to be or do in life and just this very moment you can take another one and change it. Or not! The whole current of events will then follow your decision. Meaning nothing is pre-destined and each and every one of us has the power of free will and make his or her own decisions.

Every time I opened this questions in my head and heart, it feels like asking myself the questions of what came sooner: chicken or an egg? What I choose as my faith and belief right now is that when our soul decided to come down from heaven it knew exactly what's it signing up for, hence the big events in our life are most certainly already written down, but what am I going to do with them and learn (or not) is entirely up to me. So yes, in some way shooting star brought soul down to Earth touching every planet in our solar system a little bit hence making me, just the way I am. But then living (this) life here on Earth, making decisions what to do, when being mad or loving or travelling or crying ... is my own decisions. And then one might ask, how do I know I'm doing it right? My guess is follow your heart and intuition, as Jobs also said, they somehow know what you really want. And wishes aren't something we came up with, but were sent from somebody...and yet again our circle of questions comes...

I guess sometimes there're no straightforward answers in our life and it's all okay. Sometimes there can be two correct answers.

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